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Myriopholis yemenica


Range: Yemen (specific locality unknown)


The Yemen blindsnake is a rare species known currently only from its holotype collection, given as originating somewhere in Yemen without location specificity. A small species, the specimen collected was only 9.1 cm long, with a head that is, unusually, narrower than the neck and a thin, cylindrical body, and a relatively long tapered tail with a large, thorn-like spined tip. The head is rounded, mildly flattened dorsally with a relatively narrow rostral scale and large adjoining supranasal scales. Dorsal scale count is 287, scale row count 14 midbody, 12 caudally. Coloration is reported as a uniform light brown dorsally and ventrally. This species can be distinguished from its relatives M. burii and nursii by its low dorsal scale count, unusually large caudal spine, narrow depressed head, and narrower rostral with large supranasals.


Habitat: unknown, likely desert oases or canyon shrublands.


Prey: unknown, likely small soft-bodied invertebrates such as ant and termite larvae.


Lifespan and reproduction: lifespan unknown, likely under 7 years. Oviparous.


Sources: Broadley, D. G. and Wallach, V. (2007). A revision of the genus Leptotyphlops in northeastern Africa and southwestern Arabia (Serpentes: Leptotyphlopidae). Zootaxa 1408: 1-78.

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