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There are few trees more unusualand yet iconic than the one we get chocolate from. 'Forastero' is the most common genetic cluster in the species from which most chocolate is made. Trees can begin fruiting at under 10 feet tall, and be maintained pruned at 10-15 feet or can be allowed to grow to full size of 20-30 feet tall. They form huge, papery leaves and tiny white flowers along the trunks naturally pollinated by gnats, that then grow into pods up to a foot long filled with a citrus-fruity white pulp and the seeds that become cocoa.

This is a plant that expects warm temperatures and moderate humidity, year-round; it prefers semi-shade rather than direct sunlight, and will not tolerate temperatures below 60 degrees Fahrenheit for any extended period.

Available plants are seedlings approx. 6-10 inches tall, with 6 inch leaves.

Theobroma cacao 'Forastero'


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