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Sundews are one of the most diverse carnivorous plant genera in the world, with more than 200 species from temperate to tropical regions of the planet and everywhere in between. Some are nearly bomb-proof and perfect for new growers, while others require special care and attention to fit their needs.

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D. capensis 'Albino'.jpg

D. capensis 'Albino' -$7

Often erroneously called "Alba" or "var. alba," this horticulturally produced cultivar is a recessive gene that removes most of the anthocyanin pigment from the plant, leaving only tints of pink in the tentacles of well-lit specimens. Plants can grow to nearly 8" across (sometimes more, though often average around 4-6") and develop stems several inches high, with strap-shaped bright green leaves. Flowers are somewhat smaller than other cape forms, but just as self-fertile and pure white.

Available plants are semi-mature to mature at around 3-5" in diameter.

Drosera capensis "Giant?" -$8
I leave this labeled as the seeds arrived from the ICPS, though their size capacity is still somewhat in question. A vigorous cape sundew form nevertheless, reaching regularly over 6 inches across with bright green leaves and red tentacles, and forming a distinctive stem over time as well.
Available plants currently are between 3-5" in diameter.

Drosera capensis "Wide Leaf" -$12
A true wide-leaved variety, this plant develops stems up to 5 inches or more over time and rosettes of erect to semi-erect leaves to at least 7 inches across, each leaf broad and strap-shaped with elongate ovoid lamina, colored green with yellowish or red blushing and crimson tentacles. I have yet to see this form flower, but should produce tall, hairy stalks up to a foot high with broad, bright pink flowers.
Available plants currently are around 2-4" in diameter.

Drosera capensis "red leaf" -$10
This is my "typical" red leaf form, without locality. Best coloration is under nearly full sun strength light exposure, but cool temperatures can also trigger some of it, usually in the older leaves. Rosettes can reach around 6 inches in diameter with relatively slender leaves for the species, new growth starting out green with deep scarlet tentacles before aging to blushed red. Flowers are a bit darker pink than standard capes.
Available plants are between 3-5" in diameter.

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D. aliciae -$14

One of the classic rosetted sundews, and not a small one at that; a little touchier than natalensis, but fairly easy to grow overall. Plants can reach over 3" across, though averaging around 2, with flat, roughly wedge-shaped leaves slightly wider at the tips. In good light, the entire plant can turn brick red. Tall stalks may grow nearly 2 feet tall, producing a number of large, bright pink self-pollinating flowers. Plants will slowly divide over time, and produce plantlets from the roots to form colonies.

Available plants are approx. 1.5" in diameter, semi-mature.

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D. natalensis x aliciae -$14

Crossing two closely related species often results in hybrid vigor, and this is a great example; this hybrid produces flat rosettes that can be almost 4 inches in diameter, with roughly tapered broad leaves that can blush solid red in good light. Flower stalks can be enormous, 18+ inches tall with large, bright pink sterile blooms. A bit slow to bud and propagate itself, this is a great standalone plant in a pot.

Available plants are semi-mature, between 1-2" in diameter on average. 

Drosera aliciae x natalensis -$14
While the reverse cross is a bit more prolific in sending out new plantlets from its roots, this one tends to be a bit slower and focuses all its energy into the main rosettes. Spectacular plants just like the reverse and pure aliciae though, with rosettes capable of reaching almost 4 inches across (usually 2.5-3) with flat, tapered leaves sporting just a bit more petiole than pure aliciae and a bit more vigor (they don't appear to much care about getting repotted). Flower stalks can be ginormous, over 2 feet long with hot pink blooms almost an inch across.
Only a couple plants available, currently just under 2" in diameter.

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D. natalensis x snyderi -$10

This backcross hybrid strongly resembles some of the more uncommon (in cultivation at least) forms of D. natalensis with longer, slender petioles than is typically known; plants average around 2" in diameter but can reach up to 3" across in some cases, with flat to slightly upright rosettes of spoon-shaped leaves that in good lighting can turn solid red. Flower stalks can be nearly 2 feet in length at times, bearing numerous small, light pink self-pollinating flowers. As they will often bud from old leaves or roots, this cross will frequently develop colonies over time.

Available plants are approximately 1.5-2" across, semi-mature.

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D. 'Alexandrite Aster' -$16

A homemade cultivar hybrid of D. aliciae x sp. Lantau Island, this cross averages around 2-2.5" in diameter but can reach nearly 4" across, with mostly flat rosettes of tapered leaves that broaden out slightly more at their tips. Coloration is where it gets its name, typically remaining an olive green in the center but depending on the light flushing from green to solid crimson throughout the rest of the leaf. Flower stalks can be massive, over 2 feet long in some cases and bearing up to 2 dozen or more large, bight pink flowers. Great for a singular display, they do divide on occasion and bud from the roots to form colonies over time. TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE

D. sp. Lantau Island x anglica Alakai Sw

D. sp. Lantau Island x anglica "Alakai Swamp, HI" -$14

This homemade hybrid is an attractive intermediate between the two parents, producing elongate paddle shaped leaves (that get progressively longer as the plant matures) in rosettes up to 2.5 inches in diameter, with colors of bright green with scarlet tentacles to a rich crimson throughout in good light. Short stalks are produced at maturity bearing several medium-sized, light pink sterile flowers. A highly tolerant cross though does best in warm, wet conditions and peat soils.

D. sp. Lantau Island x spatulata 'Tamlin

D. sp. Lantau Island x spatulata 'Tamlin' -$6

This easy growing hybrid between two familiar parents develops rosettes up to 3" in diameter, with flat to semi-erect, roughly spoon-shaped leaves that tend to color from deep olive green with crimson tinges to solid wine red in good lighting. Flower stalks are tall, wiry, and bear delicate and extremely pale pink blooms. Like both of its parents, it may not divide often but readily buds off old roots and leaves to form colonies.

Available plants around 1.5" in diameter, minimum mature size.

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D. tokaiensis x spatulata "Fraser Island" -$4

One of several iterations of this hybrid that I have made, and one of only a handful that I have deigned to keep around, this cross is a perfect beginner's plant growing to around 2" across maximum with rosettes of spoon-shaped leaves that readily flush almost solid red in good lighting. Flower stalks are up to 10" tall, a sport a number of small but brilliantly pink, sometimes semi-fertile blooms. This will eventually turn into a colony, dividing or budding from the roots and old leaves quite readily. 

Available plants will be approx. 1-1.5" in diameter on average, semi-mature to mature.

D. spatulata 'Tamlin' x tokaiensis Sale 8.2018.jpg

D. spatulata 'Tamlin' x tokaiensis -$5

This is the largest form of this hybrid that I have retained; when planted separately individual specimens can reach over 3 inches across (though often average between 1.5-2" especially in colony growth), with flat to semi-erect rosettes of spoon-shaped leaves that readily flush solid scarlet in strong lighting. Flower stalks typically reach around 12 inches tall maximum, and can sport a very large number of sometimes mildly self-fertile, bright pink blooms. Very suitable for beginner growers, and will often quickly divide or bud from old leaves or roots to form colonies.

Available plants will be semi-mature to mature, averaging from 1-1.5" in diameter.

D. capensis typical x sp. Lantau Island.

D. capensis "typical" x sp. Lantau Island -$9

One of several equally attractive version of this cross made here, this hybrid averages around 2-2.5" in diameter but can reach over 3" at times, with rosettes of relatively slender, semi-erect baseball bat-shaped leaves with short but notable petioles and a lengthy, tapered lamina. Color ranges from bright green with red tentacles to nearly solid red in strong light. Flower stalks can be lengthy, with numerous fairly large, bright pink sterile blooms. A great plant for singular display, or will eventually develop colonies.

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D. brevifolia x tokaiensis -$8

This diminutive hybrid produces rosettes that rarely reach more than 1-1.5 inches in diameter with short paddle shaped leaves that blush bright crimson in good light. Tall wiry flower stalks are produced regularly, and are covered in tiny glands much like in D. brevifolia; flowers are bright pink, and sterile. Commonly dividing, this hybrid will often rapidly form clumps and colonies.

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D. tokaiensis x sp. Lantau Island -$6

An easy to grow and attractive hybrid between two beginner-level species, this cross tends to grow up to 2" in diameter in maximum size, with flat rosettes of spoon-shaped leaves that usually sport an olive-green hue with scarlet tentacles, and can blush almost fully red in good light. Flower stalks are moderately tall and sport several large (compared to the plant), light pink sterile blooms. This variety is fairly slow to divide or sprout plantlets from the roots, but will do so if prompted by any sort of damage, so is great for single or colony displays.

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D. spatulata "Ivan's 3-Way Australian Form" -$9

This triple-locality cross combines traits of Wentworth Falls and Woronorra river populations with the famed var. gympiensis spoonleaf sundew variety, producing flat, rosetted plants typically no more than 1.5" in diameter that sport narrowly wedge-shaped leaves typically colored solid red in good light. Thanks to that gympiensis parentage, flower stalks are rarely more than a couple of inches tall, occasionally hairy, and sport relatively huge flowers that, for most, are a brilliant pink hue. However, white forms occasionally show up as well, especially once new seeds are sown. This is a great form to build a colony display with, and readily self-seeds. TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE

D. spatulata Ahipara Gumfields, NZ.jpg

D. spatulata "pink flower, received as Ahipara Gumfields, New Zealand" -$7

The New Zealand highlands host several unusual and diminutive forms of this classic "spoonleaf sundew," sometimes with multiple distinct variants in any one site. This form was received labeled as originating in the far northern tip of North Island, though likely hails from a miniaturized Australian or Tasmanian population. It develops rosettes that rarely exceed 1.5" in diameter, with tapering wedge to semi-paddle shaped leaves painted in bright yellow-green and scarlet to solid poppy red. Tall (for the plant's size) wiry stalks bear several small, self-pollinating bright pink flowers. TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE.

D. spatulata Beenak, Victoria x neocaled

D. spatulata "Beenak, Victoria Au" x neocaledonica -$16

One of the most sought after and often finicky species, crossed with a variety of one of the most common and easy to grow, has produced a plant with the best of both worlds. This phenomenal hybrid can reach to just over 2 inches in diameter, with flat to just barely semi-erect rosettes of very narrow oar- or paddle-shaped leaves with medium-length petioles lined in spiky looking white hairs and lamina decked out in brilliant crimson tentacles. Color in the leaves themselves ranges from pure green, bicolor, to in strong enough light crimson red. The tall, wiry inflorescences bear several sterile, large and delicate pink blooms. 

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D. sp. Lantau Island x brevifolia -$9

As in other D. brevifolia hybrids this cross has the look of a slightly miniaturized version of the other parent with very glandular flower stalks; rosettes reach no more than 1.5-2" in diameter with flat, paddle- or narrow wedge-shaped leaves that readily color in deep reds and underlying olive green in good light. The gland-covered stalks bear several moderately large, very pale pink sterile flowers with rounded petals. Old leaves readily bud, meaning it rapidly develops colonies.

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D. 'Childhood Wishes' -$16

One of my favorite original cultivars, this cross of D. affinis "Uningi Pans, Zambia" x spatulata "white flower" develops spectacular spreading rosettes that can push nearly 5" in diameter on the ends of short to moderate length stems, composed of semi-erect elongate paddle-shaped leaves whose lamina are uniquely folded down their middle and the petioles have a slight covering of silver hairs. Plants may develop with bright green petioles and crimson lamina, or fully poppy-red blushed throughout depending on light, and once settled may produce long,wiry stalks bearing small sterile pink flowers. This is a spectacular stand-alone plant, but it will also occasionally produce plantlets from its roots to form colonies.

D. spatulata 'Tamlin' x sp. Lantau Island.jpg

D. spatulata 'Tamlin' x sp. Lantau Island -$6

An easy to grow cross and one that can at times get quite large, this hybrid develops semi-erect rosettes of leaves up to 3" across (average closer to 2") with a slender tapered shape and slightly broader tip of the leaf. Coloration in good light can be solid red with olive undertones. Flower stalks are moderately tall and sport several large, very pale pink sterile blooms. While attractive as an individual, each plant will also eventually divide or bud from old leaves and roots to form packed colonies.

Available plants are semi-mature to mature, approx. 1.5" in diameter on average.

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D. spatulata "Gold Coast, Queensland" -$7

One of many unique Australian forms of this species, a tropical plant that develops flat rosettes up to 3" in diameter with very narrow, strap or wedge-shaped leaves with a distinct petiole and long lamina. Under good light, the entire plant readily flushes a bright to wine red hue. Flowers are produced near-constantly, small and white and self-pollinating. A very attractive singular display plant, its abundant seed production and occasional old leaf or root budding also lends to quickly developing colonies.
Available plants are semi-mature to mature (blooming), between 0.75-1.5" in diameter.

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D. aliciae x nidiformis -$11

A rather unique hybrid that take the general appearance of aliciae and stretches it out, producing typically flat (though sometimes slightly raised up) rosettes up to 3 inches in diameter with slender, hairy, wedge-shaped leaves that are olive green with bright red flushes throughout, to even solid scarlet. Flower stalks are exceedingly long and slightly glandular, with large, pale pink sterile blooms.

Available plants are semi-mature, between 1.5-2" in diameter.

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D. tokaiensis x capensis "typical" -$12

This is a bit of an oddball homemade hybrid, very similar to the popular spatulata x capensis cross but with slightly smaller rosettes (typically to around 2.5, sometimes 3 inches) of tapered leaves that sport slightly broader tips, each held just off the ground. Coloration is frequently light orange-or reddish-blushed with red tentacls in good light. Flowers I have not witnessed, but likely will be fairly large and brilliantly pink. 


D. sp. Lantau Island x capensis typical.

D. sp. Lantau Island x capensis "typical" -$9

One of several versions of this favored Carlton Carnivores hybrid, these plants can get large, more than 4 inches in diameter with rosettes of semi-erect spoon or club-shaped leaves that are often green in the lengthy petiole but nearly always crimson in the lamina or at least with scarlet tentacles, occasionally red throughout. The flower stalks can be huge, nearly 2 feet in length, and bear dozens of large, light pink sterile blooms. This is a fantastic singular display plant, though old leaves and roots occasionally bud plantlets so colonies form over time. Very tolerant of a wide range of conditions.

D. intermedia Roraima x oblanceolata Sunset Peak.jpg

D. intermedia "Roraima State, Brazil" x oblanceolata "Sunset Peak" -$18

A truly unique hybrid with an appearance that can trick even the experienced eye; rosettes appear to reach up to 2 inches in diameter on average, may grow larger, but look almost purely like the pod parent with long, slender petioles tipped by oval or teardrop shaped lamina that splay out in all directions, semi-erect to flat. However, they have tiny hairs on them and flush redder than intermedia ever seems to, and send up spindly stalks bearing small, but pale PINK flowers. They don't tend to divide or bud quickly, making it good for a single-display plant.

Available plants are semi-mature to mature, approx. 1.5-2" in diameter. TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE.

D. intermedia Carolina Giant x kaieteurensis.jpg

D. intermedia "Carolina Giant" x kaieteurensis -$15

A Carlton Carnivores original hybrid, this spectacular plant develops firework-like rosettes up to 2.5" in diameter with thin paddle-shaped leaves that splay out in all directions and tipped in broad teadrop shaped lamina. New leaves are bright green with crimson tentacles, and as they droop with age they also develop deep red infusion for a bicolor appearance overall. The flower stalks are thick, slightly hairy, and support numerous impressive, broad-petaled white flowers. Though old leaves can sometimes bud to help form colonies, this is a cross more reluctant to do so on its own, and so does well as a singular display plant.

Available plants are semi-mature at around 1-1.5" in diameter. TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE.

D. spatulata Hartmeyer.jpg

D. spatulata "Hartmeyer" -$7

This is the plant formerly referenced as a supposed ultramafica hybrid, however appears to simply be a very vigorous spatulata form. Plants grow up to 3" in diameter, with semi-erect rosettes of narrow strap to wedge-shaped leaves. Color can turn solid red in even moderately strong light. Flower stalks are numberous, thin, and sport several small, self-pollinating white blooms. 

Available plants are small but mature, around 1.5" in diameter and may be flowering.

D. spatulata Beenak, Victoria Au.jpg

D. spatulata "Beenak, Victoria Au" -$6

A small and easy-growing form of this classic species, plants from this locality average between 1-1.5" across in my conditions, with flat rosettes of tapered leaves that flush rich scarlet in good light. Flower stalks are relatively short, and sport a number of bright pink, self-fertile blooms. 

Available plants are semi-mature to mature, 1-1.5" on average.

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D. spatulata "white flower" x tokaiensis -$4

If you want easy to grow, this is one of the best fits. A cross between two already supremely easy species, this semi-fertile hybrid develops rosettes that can reach nearly 3" in diameter (though averages 1.5-2"), with flat tapering leaves sporting slightly wider lamina and, under good lighting, solid crimson colors. Flower stalks are of moderate length and can sport numerous small, bright pink blooms. Best grown with the expectations of being a colony plant as roots and old leaves will bud and plants will divide over time.
Available plants are mature, around 1.5" in diameter.

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D. 'Anemone' -$15

This cultivar is a cross of D. sp. Lantau Island x capensis 'Albino'. Like the other Lantau x cape crosses it has the potential to reach nearly 4" in diameter with semi-erect, fountain-like rosettes of baseball bat-shaped leaves. Unlike the other versions of the cross though, this variety seems to prefer staying more squat and compact at around 2" across, and develops colors that range from red-tinted green to nearly solid scarlet with the faintest green tone in the center of the leaves. Flowers are borne on tall stalks and quite large, sterile, and bright pink.
Available plants are mature at approximately 1.5-2" in diameter.

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D. prolifera -$14

One of the famous "Queensland Sisters," this oft-nicknamed "Hen and Chicks" sundew develops rosettes up to 8" across (average 4-6") of semi-erect, paddle-shaped leaves that have skinny petioles and broad kidney-shaped lamina. Color is generally olive green with red tentacles, though can blush reddish under strong light. This species is famed for its scrambling, stolon-like flower stalks sporting tiny pink blooms and that will sprout new plantlets at the tips. 

Available plants are between 2-4" in diameter.

D. anglica "Alakai Swamp, HI" x spatulata ('Tamlin' x "Royal Natl. Pk. Sydney") -$12

This is the cross from which my cultivar 'Scarlet Tears' was selected; many of its siblings are of similar appearance but not quite as large, averaging between 2-3 inches across when fully mature with slender paddle-shaped leaves in a partly upright rosette. Color ranges from green with red tentacles to nearly solid crimson, and flower stalks are moderately tall and, true to the variable parentage, may also sport either white or pink blooms on any particular plant. 

Available plants are semi-mature, 1.5-2" across on average. 

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D. anglica "Germany" -$18

This is frequently my largest form of this species, capable of growing over 3 inches tall with fully erect, slender leaves bearing filiform petioles and long, narrow ovular lamina. Coloration tends to remain mostly green, flushing red in the tentacles or leaf edges in good light, and though I have never seen blooms flowers should be on moderately tall stalks and pure white. Requires a cold dormant period, may enter dormancy whenever it feels like it.

Available plants currently primarily in dormant hibernaculum state.

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D. 'Scarlet Tears' -$12

One of my first and most vigorous cultivars, this select clone of D. spatulata  ('Tamlin' x "Royal Natl. Pk. Syndey") x anglica  "Alakai Swamp, HI" can grow to almost 4 inches across (averages 2-3") with semi-erect rosettes of slender paddle-shaped leaves that have a nearly perfect tear-shaped lamina and under good light will age from greenish with red tentacles to a solid deep red. Flower stalks are tall, thin, and bear numerous sterile pink blooms.

Available plants are semi-mature to mature, around 2 inches in diameter.

D. sp. Lantau Island x capensis red leaf.jpg

D. sp. Lantau Island x capensis "red leaf" -$12

This was the final rendition of this cross that I made, a robust hybrid that averages between 2-3 inches in diameter with slender baseball bat-shaped leaves held semi-erect off the soil, and in good light this form especially will shift from green leaves and red tentacles to solid pinky-red. Flower stalks can be well over a foot and a half tall in some cases, with large, rich pink blooms.

Available plants are semi-mature, 1.5-2" in diameter.

D. aliciae x spatulata ('Tamlin' x Royal

D. aliciae x spatulata ('Tamlin' x "Royal Natl. Pk. Sydney") -$14

A Carlton Carnivores original cross and a hybrid you'd think would be more common...plants grow to around 2.5" in diameter (sometimes slightly larger) with broad flat rosettes of narrow, wedge-shaped leaves. Coloration is often bright green with crimson tentacles but under strong enough light plants can also flush completely crimson. Flower stalks are tall, wiry, and bear numerous sterile but large bright pink blooms. A great plant for singular display, but old leaves and sometimes roots may bud, or divisions form, producing colonies over time.

Available plants are semi-mature to mature, around 2" in diameter.

D. sp. Lantau Island x tokaiensis.jpg

D. sp. Lantau Island x tokaiensis -$8

This hybrid is a cross between two very easy plants, and is similarly a breeze to grow. Rosettes up to 2 inches in diameter form from flat paddle-shaped leaves with ovular lamina just a little wider than the original Lantau Island parent; coloration is rich green with crimson tentacles, sometimes the leaf tips flushing red as well. Flower stalks are tall and wiry, and bear numerous large, bright pink sterile blooms. This is an excellent colony display plant, as it will eventually bud from old leaves, divide, or sprout from old roots to form mats of plants.

Available plants are mature, 1.5-2" in diameter.

D. spatulata Sydney x anglica Oregon.jpg

D. spatulata 'Royal Natl. Pk. Sydney" x anglica "Oregon" -$7

This homemade version of D. x nagamotoi grows to around 1.5-2" in diameter maximum, with flat to slightly raised rosettes of elongate paddle-shaped leaves colored in bright greens often flushed with crimson or even nearly solid red. Medium-sized, wiry stalks are regularly produced bearing several small, bright pink sterile flowers. This is a great colonial plant, growing several slightly spaced out and over time they will fill in as they divide or bud from old leaves and roots. 

Available plants are mature and around 1.5" in diameter.

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D. adelae -$15

One of the famed "Sisters of Queensland," this rainforest inhabitant develops rosettes of lance-shaped leaves that unfurl erect before spreading out to the sides; this form was received supposedly as the "Giant" form, but nearly all varieties can reach nearly 2 feet across with broad green leaves in heavier shade, or to around 10" across and brilliant crimson in strong light. If you're lucky, tall stalks may produce numerous tiny, bright red star-shaped flowers, and the plants regularly spread and sprout new plantlets from their roots. 

Available plants are between 3-6" in diameter.

Drosera hamitonii -$20
Growing to about 2, maybe even 3 inches across with flat, tapered leaves, this funky Australian native looks almost like one of the rosetted South African species but hails from the same region as Cephalotus. Roots can get unfathomably long, coiling in the base of pots and sometimes prompting new plantlets to snake up to the surface from them to form carpets over time. Providing significant drops in photoperiod and temperature in winter might make you lucky enough to trigger blooming, when the tall stalks can make hot-pink flowers almost as broad as the rosettes themselves are.
Available plants are approx. 1.5" in diameter.

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Drosera "Andromeda" -$25
A grex hybrid between D. prolifera x schizandra, and a perfect option for getting a plant that looks a whole lot like the paternal parent but grows much more easily. Plants can easily reach over 8 inches across, with broad, paddle or teardrop-shaped leaves (tends to morph from the former to the latter in this clone as they get bigger) that are typically green with reddish tentacles but can flush red in strong light (something pure schizandra does not tolerate). Once mature, thick flower stalks bearing small, rich red-pink blooms are produced that will form plantlets at their tips.

Available plants are approx. 2-3" in diameter.

D. filiformis var. floridana x sp. Lantau Island -$14

Yes, this is in fact a filiformis cross. A homemade hybrid, plants average around 1.5" in diameter but can reach to nearly 3" in some cases, with stemless semi-erect rosettes of elongate "baseball bat" shaped leaves; short but distinct petioles and tapering wedge-shaped lamina show traits between the two parents. Color in proper lighting is typically a rich crimson throughout. Short, wiry stalks are occasionally produced, bearing moderately large, light pink flowers with rounded petals. Does best in a sandy wet soil and warm conditions.
Available plants are approx. 1.5" in diameter, semi-mature to mature. 

D. FL Giant x sp. Lantau Island.jpg

D. "Florida Giant" x sp. Lantau Island -$14
This hybrid is with the likely x californica hybrid threadleaf, "Florida Giant." Plants reach similar dimensions of up to almost 2 inches across as my filiformis floridana version, with the same arching, slender baseball bat-shaped leaves, but tend to remain with a more green color and orange-red tentacles rather than turning solid red. Flowers are the same very large, pale pink as the other version of this cross.
Available plants are between 1-1.5" in diameter, semi-mature.

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Drosera nidiformis -$11
This South African plant is related to many of the other flat rosetted species but looks nothing like them, having semi-erect to erect rosettes up to 4 inches in diameter (2" tall) with slender, paddle shaped leaves that sport narrow teardrop-shaped lamina. Color usually stays fairly green, with hints of pink or red to the tentacles and leaf bases unless under extremely strong light. Flower stalks are long, wiry, and bear tiny self-pollinating pink blooms.
Available plants are between 2-4" in diameter.

Drosera x hybrida "New Jersey" -$14
Whether these are descended from the original wild plants or horticulturally reproduced, New Jersey is the origin of the first filiformis x intermedia natural hybrid records and thus these represent what the cross naturally looks like. Plants can reach almost 5 inches tall, with slender strap-shaped leaves bearing short petioles and lamina that are just a little wide at the tips than their bases. Color is typically green with red tentacles, though in strong light can flush with a red tinge throughout. Flowers are moderately large and pale pink.
Available plants are entering dormancy, may have leaves to 3" diameter or are in hibernacula. Further information can be found in the Database.

Drosera graomogolensis -$25
A classic South American sundew and one of the easier of the SA highlanders to grow. Plants can reach nearly 4 inches in diameter, with thick strap-shaped leaves in rosettes that form towering stems over time, bright green with crimson tentacles to solid red in strong light. Flowers are similarly large andbright pink, set on tall, hairy stalks. Best grown in a cool, very sunny environment.
Available plants are between 1.5-2" in diameter.

D. capillaris "Cuba" -$12

A Caribbean form of this widespread species, remaining small (averaging 1-1.5 inches in diameter) but looking somewhere between the standard flat-rosetted forms and the semi-erect Long Arm form as plants tend to develop their leaves slightly raised up off the ground. Petioles tend to remain green but the lamina can blush red, especially under strong lighting. Flower stalks are short and bear 1-5 tiny light pink blooms that readily self-pollinate.
Available plants are approx. 1" in diameter.

Drosera spatulata "Hartmeyer" x "Beenak, Victoria" -$10
A simple intra-species cross between one of the larger white-flowered forms I grow (the former "ultramafica x spatulata" plants) and a compact pink-flowered one, producing an intermediate form that can reach almost 2 inches in diameter though remains a touch smaller, with leaves that start out bent slightly upward before folding out flat in the rosette. Leaves are slender and tapered, and under good light turn an incredibly rich red color. Flowers in the F1 plants will be pink, though any that arise from F2 seeds that sprout may sport white blooms as well.
Available plants are approx. 1.75" in diameter, fully mature.

D. oblanceolata Sunset Peak x spatulata 'Tamlin'.jpg

Drosera oblanceolata "Sunset Peak" x spatulata 'Tamlin' -$9
For what the parent plants tend to do, the clone that popped out of this cross completely misbehaved. While its heritage is of slender-leaved, semi-upright plants on both sides, the only seedling that popped up...well, it's got the slender leaves, with very narrow petioles, but one would swear otherwise that I ended up with a tokaiensis on steroids instead if it weren't that no other crosses were made at the time! Rosettes can reach over 2 inches across and tend to stay fairly flat to the soil, slender petioles and slightly broadened lamina tips spreading out rather than up, and maintaining a fairly even red-green color mix though they can turn almost solid crimson in strong light. Flower stalks are thin and sport a significant number of small, rich pink, sterile blooms.
Available plants are semi-mature to mature at approx. 1.5" in diameter.

D. intermedia "Carolina Giant" -$12
Though it no longer holds the title of largest intermedia form that I grow, this was the original giant plant. In proper conditions after a good winter dormancy, these plants form short-stem rosettes that can reach nearly 4" across (average is around 2.5-3") with thin paddle-shaped leaves that stick out in all directions, staying mostly green with red tentacles but can blush bright red under full sun. White flowers are self-pollinating, though seeds need cold stratification to sprout.
Available plants are semi-mature to mature, between 2-2.5" in diameter.

D. spatulata (('Tamlin' x "Royal Natl. Pk. Sydney") x anglica "Alakai Swamp, HI" -$10

The reverse cross to the one that produced my cultivar 'Scarlet Tears,' this hybrid is a tropical x nagamotoi remake that produces rosettes averaging 2.5-4 inches in diameter with slender, semi-erect, paddle-shaped leaves that flush bright red in good light. Flower stalks are thin and fairly short, sporting a handful of either pink or white, sterile blooms.
Available plants are newly repotted, currently between 2-3" in diameter.

D. madagascariensis x affinis "Uningi Pans, Zambia" -$25
Returning to availability with extremely limited supply. A rare hybrid made right here many years ago, slow to multiply for me (small plantlets can be touchy) but spectacular when mature. Plants may develop stems several inches tall with spreading leaves in a firework pattern around it up to 4 inches across (more average 1.5-2"), extremely narrow petioles with small hairs lining them and ovular lamina curling at the tips. Flowers are rare, sterile, forming in small numbers at the ends of curving stalks and bright pink. 
Available plants are between 1-3 inches tall with a diameter of 1-1.5."

D. capillaris FL Long Arm x intermedia Roraima State, Brazil.jpg

D. capillaris "FL Long Arm" x intermedia "Roraima State, Brazil" -$18
A brand new release of a fully tropical version of this potentially natural hybrid (reports have occurred in Florida and Georgia). Plants average around 2-2.5 inches in diameter, with a firework rosette of erect to semi-erect, slender paddle-shaped leaves with fairly small lamina for the leaf size. Coloration is a red-tinted olive green, with the lamina and tentacles often flushing deeper pink or red. Flower stalks are short and wiry, sporting extremely pale pink, small sterile blooms.
Very limited availability, plants are mature at 1.5-2" in diameter.

D. capillaris "Hal Scott, FL" -$16
For those who don't want to grow from seed, a limited number of plants of this locality are now available. This Florida form averages around 1.5 inches in diameter though can sometimes get a little larger, with flat rosettes of paddle-shaped leaves with moderately long petioles and very distinctive, broader than normal round lamina at the ends. Color is bright green with pink tentacles, able to flush almsot entirely orange-pink under full sun. Flower stalks are moderately sized and wiry, with small, pale pink self-pollinating blooms.
Available plants are mature at 1-1.5" in diameter.

D. madagascariensis x spatulata 'Tamlin' -$15
Returning to availability in very limited quantity. A similar to but slightly smaller hybrid than 'Childhood Wishes', this is a plant slightly more prone to forming stems up to a few inches tall and can develop palm tree-like rosettes up to 3" or so in diameter, with tapered oar-shaped leaves whose tips often fold in half. Coloration is bright green with crimson blushing to a rich solid scarlet. Flower stalks are slender and wiry, bearing numerous small, bright pink sterile blooms. A great plant for singular display, this cross also can tend to bud from old roots or the base of bent stems, thus forming loose colonies over time.
Available plants are semi-mature, around 1-2 inches tall and of similar diameter.

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All images on this site are the property of Carlton Carnivores, or used with permission from or source links to the publishers (if sourced from general access locations) to maintain creator credit.

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