Drosera amazonica

Image source: Andreas Fleischmann http://photobucket.com/gallery/user/andreas_fleischmann/media/bWVkaWFJZDo2OTc0MDM5Mg==/?ref=
Range: Amazon Basin, northern Brazil
A rare, newly discovered sundew species, this plant is the only sundew known to actually live in the Amazon, where it is found on white quartz sand savannah-like clearings known as restingas, which often are prone to flooding. The plant grows to 10 cm tall on a distinctive stalk, 1-1.5 cm long leaves bearing eglandular, long petioles and obovate to spoon shaped lamina that begin erect before folding down into a skirt around the top of the stem. Coloration is olive green to red flushed, with wine-red tentacles. Flowers are borne typically singularly on a very short inflorescence, opening to approximately 1 cm across practically on top of the growth crown with oblong round-tipped white petals. A prime trait of this species is its water dispersal of seeds, and no other similar species develops either the tall stems or singular short-stalked blooms.
Cultivation: Grow in a 3:1 sand/peat mix, kept very moist to even flooded or submerged and humid, with temps of 75-95°F, year round. Sow seeds on soil surface, and grow in strong artificial light to full sunlight.
Lifespan and reproduction: perennial. Reproduces through seed, and may be possible through leaf or stem cuttings.
Sources: http://photobucket.com/gallery/user/andreas_fleischmann/media/bWVkaWFJZDo2OTc0MDM5Mg==/?ref=