Range: Dem. Rep. Congo, Angola, Zambia
This small, little-studied tropical African species is found in disjunct records across the southern-central border of the rainforest belt, from northwest Angola east to the southern shores of Lake Tanganyika in Zambia, where it can be found in marshy springs known as dambos in open flats. Plants grow to 4 cm tall on short stems, topped by rosettes of semi-erect paddle-shaped leaves up to 4 cm across. Petioles are parallel and more than half the total length of the leaf, densely covered in pilose white hairs, and the lamina are obovate to spathulate. Color is bright green or yellow with scarlet tentacles, to moderately red flushed throughout the leaf. Inflorescences may reach 17 cm in length, with a pilose base and glandular scape portion, and may bear up to 8 blooms. Flowers are 1.5 cm in diameter, with bright pink obovate petals. This species is thought to be a diminutive relative of D. affinis and madagascariensis, and can be distinguished by its short stature and highly pilose nature.
Cultivation: grow in a 1:1 peat/perlite or sand soil mix, kept moist to wet but well-oxygenized, with moderate humidity and temperatures of 70-90°F year round. Sow seeds on soil surface, and grow in strong artificial light to full sun.
Lifespan and reproduction: perennial. Reproduces by seed and possibly root offshoots, and may be propagated via cuttings.