Drosera chimaera

Range: Serra de Grão Mogol, Minas Gerais, Brazil
A rare endemic to the Grão Mogol area, this species is known from only 3 populations located at elevations of around 700 meters, where it may grow in rocky crevices and sandstone or quartz sand seeps along riparian corridors. Plants may reach 1.5 cm tall, with rosettes up to 6 cm across composed of numerous elongate strap-shaped, oblong lanceolate leaves; petioles are extremely short, lamina comprising most of the leaf length. Color is bright greenish to yellow with red tentacles, or can be solid scarlet throughout. Multiple tall flower stalks arise from the center of the rosette, often bifurcated and densely covered in fine hairs. Flowers are numerous, approximately 1.2 cm across and pale pink. This plant, due to its mosaic of characteristics, is thought to be a possible link between the D. villosa and D. montana complexes, and is distinguished from its relatives by the elongate lanceolate leaves bearing short petioles and the densely pilose, branching inflorescences.
Cultivation: grow in a 2:1 sand/peat soil, kept very moist and humid, with day temps of 70-85°F, night temps of 50-60°F, year round. Sow seeds on soil surface, and grow in full sun.
Lifespan and reproduction: perennial. Reproduces through seeds and occasional offshoots, and can be grown through leaf cuttings.
Sources: Gonella et al. (2014). Exhuming Saint. Hilaire: revision of the Drosera villosa complex (Droseraceae) supports 200 year old neglected species complexes. Phytotaxa 156(1): 1-40.

Side view and inflorescence of D. chimaera, showing off the very pubescent stalk.

Flower of D. chimaera.