Drosera uniflora

Range: Southern Chile, Argentina, Falkland Is.
An interesting sundew with the unique position of being the southernmost sundew, and likely the southernmost carnivorous plant in the world, this species is found in coastal and mountain bogs from 0-2000 meters in elevation in the very southern tips of Chile and Argentina as well as the nearby Falkland Islands; this species can often be found growing among cushion plants and Sphagnum mosses. Plants grow to only 3 cm across, with short, semi-erect to flat rosettes of paddle-shaped leaves. Petioles are broad and parallel, typically glabrous, while lamina are obovate to orbicular. Color is green with red tentacles to more commonly solid deep scarlet throughout. As the name suggests, this plant produces an average of but one flower per year on a stalk no more than 1-3 cm tall, which is bright white with broad ovular to obovate petals and nearly equals the size of the plant at 2-3 cm across. The sepals are unique in being petiolate and cup-shaped, a trait shared only with its close relative, the southern sister D. stenopetala of New Zealand. While being the most southern sundew, and therefore experiencing long freezes through winter, this plant cannot survive these freezes without a layer of protecting snow.
Cultivation: grow in a 1:1 peat/sand or pure long-fiber sphagnum soil, kept very moist to wet and humid, with temps of 50-75°F in summer. In winter as plants go dormant, let pot dry to damp, and place in temps of 30-40°F (some localities can withstand mild frosts exposed) for at least 3 months or until spring. Sow seeds on soil surface and provide an 8 week cold stratification, and grow in strong artificial light to full sun.
Lifespan and reproduction: perennial. Reproduces through seed, and may possibly be grown through leaf cuttings.
Sources: https://www.projectnoah.org/spottings/2017106002