Drosera x carbarup

Image source: https://www.carnivorousplants.org/cp/taxonomy/pygmyDrosera/pg5
Author: John Brittnacher
Range: Carbarup, Western Australia
Named for the area from which it is endemic, this natural hybrid of D. occidentalis x platystigma is highly range-restricted, but common where it is found. Plants grow in depressions that collect moisture in winter, in sandy or laterite gravel soils. This species reaches less than 2 cm in diameter, with a very short stem sometimes present supporting an otherwise flat rosette of paddle-shaped leaves. Petioles are extremely thin and taper slightly from base to lamina, almost glabrous save for a scattering of tiny glands adaxially. Lamina are orbicular, with a peltate connection to the petiole and deeply indented to form a cup shape. Coloration is typically green in the rosette center fading to crimson in the lamina. Inflorescences are up to 2.5 cm tall, with a very sparse scattering of red-tipped glands and sporting up to 5 blooms. Flowers reach barely a centimeter in diameter, with obovate light to rich pink petals sporting a darker midvein radiating from the center and distinct clavate (club-shaped) styles. Summer dormancy sees plants die back to an ovoid stipule bud. This hybrid can be distinguished from all similar species by its multi-flowered inflorescences, pinkish-toned blooms, and the bloodred club-shaped styles.
Cultivation: grow in a 3:1 sand/peat or laterite-laced soil, kept moist and moderately humid with temperatures of 50-70°F during the winter growing season. In summer temperatures and photoperiod should be increased but avoid drying out, as dormant plants are difficult to reawaken. Sow gemmae on soil surface, and grow in strong artificial light to full sun.
Lifespan and reproduction: short-lived perennial. Sterile, reproduces via gemmae only, and may possibly be propagated via leaf pullings.
Sources: https://www.carnivorousplants.org/cp/taxonomy/pygmyDrosera/pg5 Brittnacher
Lowrie et al. (2017). Drosera of the World Vol. 2. Redfern Natural History Publications.