Range: southeastern Africa, from Swaziland and Mozambique north to Zambia and possibly Tanzania
This African blind snake is, like so many others, uncommonly seen despite its range and little-studied. Referred to by some as the Incognito thread snake (after its Latin name from going so long unseparated from related species), it lives rather commonly across southeastern Africa in low elevation regions. It may grow up to 30 cm long in some cases (averaging less than 20), extremely slender with a very blunt, rounded head only slightly broader than the body, and a short, sharp-tipped tail. Coloration is uniformly dark gray or black, darkest at the base of each scale with a lighter band along the edge, and lacks any notable patches of white or cream on the underside that related species possess as well as often having a touch darker shade on the tip of the snout and tail. It is differentiated from related species by not only color but the high number (230+) of dorsal scales from head to tail.
Habitat: Savannah regions, often in moist pockets near rotting logs or under rocks, or within termite mounds.
Prey: Feeds primarily on termite larvae and eggs, or other soft-bodied small invertebrates.
Lifespan and reproduction: lifespan unknown, likely under 10 years. Oviparous, laying up to 3 sausage-shaped eggs in a clutch.
Sources: https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/11195935