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Myriopholis burii


Range: southwestern Saudi Arabia and western Yemen


Buri’s threadsnake is a rare localized species known from only a handful of collected specimens scattered across the rocky desert region of the southwestern Arabian peninsula. It grows to 21 cm in length, with a short, rounded head barely distinguishable from the neck and bearing a greatly enlarged rostral scale. The body is extremely slender in profile, and the tail is short, no more than 1.5 cm in length and tipped with a sharp spine. Scale row count midbody is 14, 12 around the tail, dorsal count is 403-408. Coloration is a pal tannish brown dorsally, cream-yellow or unpigmented pinkish ventrally. This species is distinguished from close relatives such as M. nursii by its broader rostral and frontal scales, small occipital scales, and very high dorsal scale count.


Habitat: high desert from 1350-1460 meters in elevation in sparsely vegetated regions.


Prey: Unknown, likely ant and termite larvae.


Lifespan and reproduction: lifespan unknown, likely under 7 years. Oviparous.



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