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Range: India and Pakistan to Oman, Israel, Turkey, west to Algeria and Tunisia, south to Kenya, Nigeria, Cameroon, and Guinea


Known as the long-nosed or hook-nosed worm snake, this species possesses one of the broadest ranges of any blindsnake, with records stretching from the northwestern coasts of India and Pakistan up through Iran and Syria in to southern Turkey, Israel and Jordan, the eastern coastal Arabian Peninsula, and then seemingly right around the sub-desert bands surrounding the Sahara in Africa from Algeria to Egypt and as far south as Kenya, Somalia, Guinea and Cameroon. Its range could well be more extensive pending further survey, even surrounding the entirety of the Sahara desert border, or some records may represent other species misidentified as many have been split from this one over time. This species grows up to 35 cm long, with a very slender build and semi-elongated head that is barely wider than the neck, and a short tail tipped in a stubby point. The head sports a pronounced elongate upper snout or “beak” like structure. Dorsal scale counts can be up to 350, scale row count 14 midbody and 12 on the tail. Coloration is uniformly unpigmented, rendering the snake pink from the underlying color of flesh and blood, though slightly paler ventrally, and with very distinctive black rudimentary eyes. This species can be distinguished from close relatives such as M. cairi and M. longicauda in possessing a lengthened hooked or beaklike snout, short tail less than a tenth of the full body length, no pigmentation, and exceedingly slender build.


Habitat: recorded from sandy savannahs or sub-desert, but never full desert regions, especially coastally in scrubland. Also known from disturbed dry grounds such as Middle-Eastern planted orchards.


Prey: Small soft-bodied invertebrates such as ant or termite larvae.


Lifespan and reproduction: lifespan unknown, likely under 7 years. Oviparous, may lay up to 4-8 elongate, leathery white eggs.



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