Myriopholis occipitalis
Range: Southern Chad into northern Central African Republic
A species of blindsnake only described in 2019, this species is an endemic to the sub-Saharan region in the heart of Africa, appropriately centered around the Central African Republic. This species grows likely to just over 30 cm, with a slender build but not quite as slender as most of its relatives, with a blunt rounded head barely broader than the body and a short, stubby tail tipped in a small point. Dorsal scale count is 284-299, midbody scale row count 14 and 10 caudally. Coloration is dark brown sometimes with pink tones bleeding in dorsally, and cream to tan on the ventral surface. This species is distinguished from its relatives by the presence of 2-3 occipital scales on the side of the head, a “humped” profile of the snout, ten caudal scale rows, and relatively short, thicker stature.
Habitat: unknown, likely sandy grasslands and open forests underground or in leaf litter.
Prey: most likely small soft-bodied invertebrates such as ant and termite larvae.
Lifespan and reproduction: lifespan unknown, likely under 7 years. Oviparous.