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A plant with many names depending on who you talk to; once classified under Epilobium, and some say the current name is spelled Chamerion. Fireweed or Fireflower is a widespread US native species, a colonizer of newly burned locations and open soils (especially if it's rich and well-drained or acidic) and prolific once established. Plants may grow as tall as 3 feet, with branching stems of lance-shaped deep red-green leaves topped by spikes of large, bright mauve-pink blooms that produce long seedpods full of tiny seeds attached to wind-dispersed fluff. A great plant for an outdoor pot, or any spot that you just can't quite get anything else to grow (so long as adequate water is given).

Packets contain approximately 50+ seeds, which benefit from a month-long cold stratification. Seeds will likely be wrapped in the fibrous fluff they are dispersed via wind in.

Chamaenerion angustifoluium

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