Drosera aquatica

Range: Near Kununurra, Kimberleys and Darwin, NT Australia
A unique member of the “indica complex” of sundews endemic to the northern tropical Kimberleys and Northern Territory regions of Australia, this species grows as an affixed or even free-floating emergent aquatic on floating vegetation in flooded seasonal wetlands. Plants may reach up to a foot tall on sturdy, cylindrical stems, bearing apetiolate linear leaves up to 3 or more inches in length that taper gradually from base to a pointed tip. Coloration is often contrasting with a crimson stem and bright green or yellow leaves with occasional red tints, covered in red-tipped glands. Thick racemic flower stalks bear large, bright pink blooms on long pedicels, the petals tapered teardrop in shape. This species can be identified from others in the complex by the presence of both white glandular trichomes and a relatively dense covering of pilose white hairs on the stem.
Cultivation: Grow in a sandy peat soil, kept at all times from very moist to submerged in water, with high temperatures year round. Seeds should be sown on the soil or water surface, and grow in full sun.
Lifespan and reproduction: Annual. Reproduces through seeds only; cuttings not reported successful.