Drosera biflora
Range: northern South America, Venezuelan border with Guyana and Brazil
A member of the “D. capillaris complex,” this is a tropical species found in northern South America along streams, sphagnum bogs, and on wet, moss-covered rocks. Many think that it is the same species as, but a different form of, D. capillaris and esmeraldae as the recorded differences among them are slight; supposed separation of this species relies on diminutive size (which may be environmental) and foveolate (pitted) seeds which are shared by D. esmeraldae. This species may develop a very short stem and grows primarily as a rosette up to 2 cm across, with semi-erect, spoon-shaped leaves bearing narrow, flat parallel petioles and rounded to almost borderline triangular lamina. Coloration is green flushed red to solid crimson, with darker tentacles. Short, wiry stalks bear typically only 2-3 small, white flowers with rounded petals.
Cultivation: grow in a 3:1 peat/sand mix, and keep very moist all year round. Soil may be allowed to be waterlogged occasionally; and temperatures must always remain in the 75-90°F range.
Lifespan and reproduction: perennial to 5 years. Reproduces through seed, and may also be propagated by leaf cuttings.